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Thursday 31 March 2016

Easter holidays, some reflective thoughts on the previous semester.

During the last week I have been able to take some time away from the studio for a short holiday. Whilst I have been keen to return, and start making plans for the final exhibition piece which needs to be finished at the end of April, I have also been able to crystallise some of my thoughts on the production techniques, together with finalising the theme of anamnesis is the backbone of my work.

This reflective process of taking fragments of my own memory of tiny small inconsequential events which are common to many people I have already termed as meta-encounters. It is through these meta-encounters that I can create the next artefact and a future series of artefacts, which explore how we deal with so many emotions of loss, of grief, and our perception which is influenced by the observation of specific trigger objects which provide in what Merleau-Ponty describes as an out of body mediation or affect.

For the first few days of this week I have been creating a generalised drawing of the fragment of the facial relief of the broken garden gnome. As the size of this artefact will be on a monumental proportion, measuring approximately 2 m wide by a meter and a half high, I decided to create a template on which I can work upon over the following weeks.

With regards to my plan I am very much on target as described below.

For completeness, an example of the template is also shown here with.

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