(Current Studies, by blog description (2015-16)) - Click on each label to see corresponding posts!

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Production of concept pieces

Throughout most of last week, I was continually drawn towards the image of the grid within St George's Square and the space in front of the grand Railway Station, built in the 1850s.

I'm still very much involved in trying to create a contemporary piece that engages with both the architectural form, the sense of space, but also the contemporary 21st Century cultural feel of the place.

 I've looked too at the historical, social and commercial aspects of the area.  Great references were also provided by the current exhibition of local artist's work at Huddersfield Librrary and Art Gallery...

 Whilst I have taken over two hundred plus photos of the area and surrounding edifices, I'm continually drawn back to the grid; it's symbolism in ancient Greek art (as seen in the grand columnar façades in this location, although I think the Corinthian columns used here are actually from the Roman period, post Greek era, but you get the picture I'm sure!);

- the representation of the grid as a measuring reference; the grid as a spacial plane that can be contorted; the grid as a communication network; power network; constellation network and so on...

But the grid it is.

So the experiments so far have been trying to find a series of links to all the above, to help open up questions for the viewer.

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