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Saturday 21 November 2015

Essay Tutorial. - Dr Mike Belshaw

In my essay "the role of affect theory in emotional grief and loss, as explored in the works of the new European painters" Dr Belshaw reviewed draft version 0.6.

Whilst I received positive feedback for the layout style of writing and general tone of the essay, there is still much to do.

Areas that I need to explore are:

  • What is it about a particular painting, or painter, that causes affect?
  • There are pitfalls to me analysing a particular painting myself as this may be received as subjective. - I need to show how other qualified authorities have written about specific paintings and then I can interpret them accordingly.
  • On page 5, I need to clarify the real contemporary thoughts on what is an affect compared to what is an emotion?
  • With regards to Brian Massumi, I need to explain his definitions of affect a little earlier in the document.
  • Dr Belshaw recommended a warning with regards to using the works of Giles Deleauze, as he is quite "slippery" as much of his philosophical arguments can be interpreted in multiple ways.
  • In the works of Frederick Nietzsche, he writes about cause and effect being reversed in a way. In essence he suggests that to notice the effect is to look for the cause (a reversal). Is this why Deleauze and Massumi have taken Nietzsche's work and built upon that reversal?
  • Try to step away from a claim that a piece of art in particular causes affect to me. Explore other writers of the claims of affect.
  • Try to pitch the document in "how" affect can help us approach and appreciate art from a different viewpoint.
  • Although the writing is good and easy to read the document still needs much more clarity and academic rigour.
  • Dr Belshaw asked me to send him an email reminder in a few days time in order for him to get up to speed with his own research on affect theory.

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