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Monday 4 January 2016

Theory Essay - Developing the ideas of loss and affect through the New European Painters

I am still confident that the new European painters movement is a secure theme to progress this essay with.

Taking on board the thoughts of my tutor to rewrite the essay, I have removed the lengthy discussion around Anselm Kiefer. I think this is the right thing to do because having thought about it over the Christmas, it seems that my work is more closely related to that of Gerhardt Richter, Luc Tuymens and Bracha L. Ettinger.

Furthermore, I think that the latter two artists seem to have a deeper academic involvement currently, and according to Wikipedia, Bracha L Ettinger already has quite strong links with Griselda Pollock from the University of Leeds. I know that our own Dr Alison Rowley has strong connections to Prof Pollock so there may be opportunities to engage with Prof Ettinger perhaps?

Having spent some time to rewrite the document already, I have also tried very hard to incorporate the correct format as prescribed by the American Psychology Association (APA). For the next couple of weeks until the start of the new semester, I can refocus my thoughts upon this essay.

With the wealth of on-line resources available these days, I do hope that the balance between referencing from fully published books compared with authoritative Internet sources is acceptable. I have been careful to only choose academic research papers from established universities or larger institutions to incorporate into my essay. I think with this approach it would be difficult to criticise the validity of the references that I intend to use.


  • I am glad that I have taken some time away from the essay to reconsider its structure and content. This approach of latent learning is useful when constructing critical documents, and I have used it before with good effect.
  • I was disappointed at first, prior to the holidays, when it was suggested that I needed to rewrite this essay, but in reflection, it's probably been the best thing to do.
  • I think I have just about exhausted the initial high-level investigation for appropriate reference documents, books and articles. Nevertheless, I'm keen to keep an open mind as I read these documents towards finding alternative links and sources which I will include in the bibliography as required.
  • If I set myself a realistic target of creating around 1500 words per day for the first week, I anticipate that I will probably write about 2000 to 2500 words per day in reality. Therefore what I intend to do is to create the bulk of the writing which may add up to 10,000 words plus, during this next few days, and then next week I will spend my time cutting down the English, yet trying to retain the facts together with their appropriate references for the final document.
  • As I am at the moment, I'm conscious that I've already done most of the hard work and the rewriting of the document shouldn't be as onerous as I originally first thought. So I am feeling quite buoyant at the present time and in a good place to go forward.

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