(Current Studies, by blog description (2015-16)) - Click on each label to see corresponding posts!

Thursday 21 January 2016

Research and development - weekly briefing

I'm looking forward to the new years intention of holding critique groups, where on each Tuesday groups of up to 10 students will engage where half of them provide two or three pieces of work and present it to the group, whilst the other half of the group provide positive critical discussion for those presenters to engage with.

It was explained that this would be a kind of test bed in preparation for the graduate exhibitions later in the year and so what we will need to do is select particular pieces to provide the best links to our own lines of enquiry. Peer to peer feedback within an environment of controlled and specified rules of engagement should prove to be a very worthwhile exercise; and I recognise that this forum will provide a wonderful opportunity to develop not only my ideas but also my confidence in displaying my artworks.

I need to ensure that the workspace will be pre-set up in plenty of time during the previous week and few days before the specific critique group that I attend. My objective will be to create a visual discourse of my work that feeds into my blog and vice versa. Therefore it is understood that the work should do the presentation itself, and there should not be any need for additional presentation vehicles, such as PowerPoint et cetera unless absolutely necessary.

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