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Friday 14 November 2014

Gallary Visit / Grayson Perry's "Vanity of Small Differences"

I was very fortunate in having the opportunity to revisit the Grayson Perry tapestries that are currently on display at Temple Newsom House, in south east Leeds.  Having visited this site only a few months ago, the images where still quite fresh in my mind and the re-viewing of the collection would help to cement any latent thoughts I may have.

The setting of the Tapestries at Temple Newsom are particularly poignant as Perry is looking to re-frame his fictional character, Tim Rakewell (based on William Hogarth's (1697 1764) protagonist, Tom Rakewell, from "A Rake's Progress" (1732-33),  in his series of paintings and etchings). The setting of the Tapestries in one of England's greatest stately homes is most pertinent to Perry's depiction of Tim in Tapestry No. 5, based on Gainsborough's Mr & Mrs Edwards painting, 1859.

I have already gone into quite some detail of Perry's tapestries in the following blog;


The previous visit to Temple Newsom House put a number of thoughts into my mind about what I can start to achieve in my practice.  I am conscious that I am exploring a wide range of artistic practices however I am yet to find my own the brand. I am not sure if I actually need to do this at all, perhaps it may be a perceived need coming from my academic tutors, which arguably could be challenged.

Never the less, I feel it is probably necessary to comply with additional artistic education templates, and when I look at artists like Grayson Perry I think I can see a commonality, an identifiable series, distinctive and definite brand associated with him in all the works of art he creates.

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